I-LEAD project of ECDD effectively completed and submitted ramps, walkway, and accessible toilets (for male and female) facilities at Dilla Polytechnic College on 31 August 2024, to make the college more inclusive for youths with disabilities.

Picture at the handover event at Dilla Polytechnic College
During the handover event, ECDD Executive Director, Dr. Getahun Semeon, the representatives of Dilla Polytechnic College, and Organization of persons with disabilities of Dilla town proudly announced that the successful completion of the crucial infrastructure focused project aimed at enhancing more inclusive environment for youths with disabilities at the TVET college.
The project funded by the Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development (AICS) aims to contribute the enhancement and strengthening of quality, equitable and inclusive education with in the project implementation period from 2022-2025.