
Abraham Mesfin
Personal detailNAME: Abraham MesfinGENDER: MaleAge: 23Disability type: low visionMarital status: SingleDepartment: ECONOMICSCumulative: GPA-3.58Address city /Town: Dejene (East Gojjam Amhara region)current job status: Undergraduate StudentContact...

Mewaba Assefa
Name: Mewba Asefa MohammedGender: FemaleAge: 29Disability Type: BlindMarital Status: married (a mother of one child)Department: Civic and ethical educationCumulative GPA: 3.8Address City/Town: Dilla townCurrent Job: Graduate assistant two in Dilla...

Kidanemariam Dagnew
In developing countries like Ethiopia, it is difficult to get intellectual disability supports and Inclusive Education Recourse Centers (IERC) in primary schools. Due to this challenge, most children with intellectual disabilities live in closed homes without any support and treatment.
Kidane Mariam was born with an intellectual disability in Urgesa town in Amhara Region) and treated in a clinic. There was improvement when he used his medicine. He needed to go to school and learn along with his peers; however, there was no inclusive school nearby his residence.

Success Story of Yayesh Sintayehu
Yayesh Sintayehu is a 33-year old married mother of two children: female and male. She is with physical impairment. She lives in the Gulele sub-city, in Shiro Meda area. Both of her children attend school. The elder child is 15 years old and he is now a grade 10 student. His younger sister is a 7-year-old child who is now a grade 2 student. Yayesh was living by the merciful hands of the church community before she was joined Hope for the Blind and Handicapped Rehabilitation and Training Association.

Case Story of Meskerem Abay
Meskerem Abay is a 28-year-old lady. She completed her high school education 8 years ago. However, she was not able to continue her education since the point she scored at grade 10 was below the standard to continue her preparatory school or college level. Again, she was also unable to get a job neither in the government nor in the private sector.

Yeshework Adino
Yeshework Adino is a 17 years old girl and a grade 7 at Melkakole Primary School, one of the target schools located in the Amhara Region, which is supported by the EQIEP Project – funded by CBM-Italy. She was born at Woldia town in North Wolo Zone, Amhara Region. She lives with her mother and sisters. When she was 11 years old age and in grade 6, she suffered a medical condition on her spinal cord and got paralyzed; which made be physically impaired.

Habtam Melese
Habtam is a student with visual impairment at Melkakolie Primary School in Woldia town. She lives with her sister and is 20 years old. During her menstruation begun, she wasn’t aware of what precautions to take. During this time she said” boys used to laugh at me when they see the blood on my dress and on the desk then I stopped coming to school for long time.” She used to cut from her old dress to keep the blood from staining her dress.